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Assessment Tasks

  • You will choose and read a variety of personal narratives from a diverse collection as you begin investigating the literary devices that authors use to tell their stories. You will practice annotating, writing thesis statements, and finding support for your opinions in the texts you read. You will also look at TedTalks as another version of narratives.


  • You will be given a short written narrative and will demonstrate your understanding of how to identify the theme and some of the literary techniques we have studied in a single-paragraph, in-class response. 


  • You will then dissect a speech of your choosing. You will share your analysis in the form of a GRADED DISCUSSION with your peers.


  • At the end of the unit, you will be asked to write a PERSONAL NARRATIVE, applying the skills you most admire in other authors to your own writing. You will publish your writing on the web! 

Personal Narrative Unit

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